Connect FELLOWSHIP IS MORE THAN … Coffee and DonutsBut make NO mistake about it, we do enjoy noshing as we often do once or twice each month, following the Sunday morning worship service! All Church Prayer Join us for a time of prayer on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Wednesday Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at 6:00 PM. Attend in person or via Zoom. Email Pastor Joel for the Zoom link. FTP Outreach team Join our FTP (Feet to Prayer) outreach team! Email: John Naumann at or Janet Weiss for more information. Nursery & Kidz Konnection Our Nursery is available during the Sunday Service for the tiniest ones. Kidz Konnection is available for children Pre-K through 6th Grade. Children may leave for Kidz Konnection immediately following the Worship Songs prior to the Pastor's Message.